15 Oct 2009


Too often a company is so closed off from people their customers have trouble connecting with them in any meaningful way. The business becomes a place to shop at and nothing more because the business doesn?t let people get any closer to them.

It wasn?t long ago that I saw some pictures circulating around about what it looked like in the office for Google. They showed all of these interesting designs in the way the offices looked, things they provided for their employees, and other creative details to make their company as unique as possible.

The appeal of this was from getting such an inside look into what it?s like to work in such a well-known company. People spend so much time seeing the brand name, so they want to see what actually keeps that brand name going. How well do they treat their employees and what kind of environment do they create for their employees?

By opening up the doors to something like that the company draws people closer to them. They open up a window into what their company is like to encourage people to trust them and continue doing business with them.

You have just as much potential for this as any other company does. All it takes is something like newsletter printing to start generating interest in your company and how things are run.

You can run stories on your different employees, on the different policies you have, and on how various products were developed. The last example is a particularly important one, because people also like to see where products come from.

All you have to do is look at the variety of shows dedicated to how something is made to see evidence of this. Go over how you come up with products and what goes into making them. Take people on a written tour through your company via your newsletters.

You?re fostering trust in them, along with additional interest in your company, which will lead to extra sales.

This is the most important aspect of newsletter printing. Just because you aren?t directly telling people to buy something, your newsletters are still acting as an advertisement for your company. They encourage people to take a greater interest in you, which translates into additional sales and exposure.

The more a person knows about a company and the products they make the more trust they?ll have in that company. This is the way to start generating greater loyalty in your customers, because you?re letting them get closer to your company.

Information is a powerful tool. The more information people have the more in control they feel, and the more comfortable with a company they?ll be. It isn?t hard to start up a regular newsletter. Maybe it?s time for you to start capitalizing on the potential they provide.